Member-only story
Physical attractiveness is powerful but it is not the only influential type of attraction.
Research has proven again and again that we are predisposed to view and treat people we perceive as attractive more favorably. Definitions of what is considered attractive can vary wildly from culture to culture or over time but the powerful influence it engenders remains the same. We credit them with an increased level of intellect, skill, talent, and character.
Humans are not unique in this. The influence of attractiveness is common across all animal species. Those exhibiting the most appealing traits are perceived as preferable mates. As sentient societal creatures we have greatly complicated the process but a great deal of human interactions can be reduced down to that core principle. Even if physical mating is not the goal or circumstance.
We want to connect with feeling they inspire in us which is not limited to purely sexual attraction. We can be drawn to the lifestyle they represent, the behaviors they display, the perspective on the world they embody. Idolizing people operates through the same mechanisms as being physically and romantically attracted to them. We desire the way being connected to them makes us feel, even if that connection is nothing more than wearing a jersey with their number on it or watching every episode of every show…