Member-only story
We all want to feel love and be loved, to connect, to be someone’s person and to have someone be our person. This need can manifest and function in an infinite number of forms and complexions. None are more ‘right’ or ‘wrong than the other, they all simply are. Figuring out how you work is an important first step in seeking fulfillment and happiness in your connections on all levels, not just the sexual or romantic.
When a major aspect of your core self functions differently than those around you, when you are on the outside of a general societal norm, even the most casual conversation can feel isolating. Not just because it acts as a reminder of your outsider status but because it also illustrates and reiterates the way in which your difference disqualifies you. Demisexuals, and others along the asexual spectrum, often struggle a great deal with this throughout their lives.
The asexual spectrum refers to varying capacities for sexual and romantic attraction ranging from the more common and familiar ‘sexual’, those able to experience all forms of attraction, to the less common and potentially confusing ‘asexual’, those who don’t feel any attractions in any context or circumstance. Demisexuals, smack in the middle of that…