Member-only story
We have currently in the world around us many rather nakedly overt examples of pretty intense hypocrisy, especially in the political spheres. Exacerbating the inherent frustration such displays cause is the fact that pointing out the seemingly obvious hypocrisy seems to have virtually no impact or effect. The frustration thus grows into an infuriated exasperation. The hypocrisy is blatantly obvious? Don’t they care!?
The important thing to understand is that someone who has fixated to the point of extremism will not see themselves as being hypocritical, at least not in any way which truly matters. For them the means they use to achieve their objectives hold no significant importance as long as they work. The means don’t matter, only the ends.
Extremism, regardless of the issue or topic of focus operates by reshaping a person’s mind and perceptions in two primary ways. It zealously narrows the focus of all thought and attention to the point of rabid fixation on singular and specific goals. It does this to the exclusion, and more devastatingly the villainization, of any other issues or considerations. Not only are their priorities the only ones which matter but all other attitudes and perspectives are evil and dangerous. This frothing tribalistic fixation then leads to the other distortion, that methods and…