Member-only story
Yep. I am 42 years old, healthy, artistically and socially successful, I own my own home, have an amazing relationship with my parents, deep and loving connections with my circle of close friends, I regularly create and perform works of theatre some of which I have toured internationally, I’ve recorded a featured TEDx Talk about gender neutral partner dancing, finished the first drafts of four novels, and I haven’t as much as held hands with another person in a romantic way.
Is it a source of pain and frustration at times? Absolutely. Am I angry or bitter about it? Honestly no. I am where I am because of the choices I have made. Making peace with those choices can definitely be a struggle sometimes but we have to do what we feel is right for ourselves.
How did I end up out here? Not because of any ‘not until marriage’ type of mentality, which for the record I personally see as a perilous concept since sexual compatibility is such a crucial aspect of a committed relationship. Not because I’m faced with any serious physical, spiritual, or medical barriers which others far worse off than I are faced with and have overcome. Not because I have anything against casual sex. I may not be wired for it myself but…